Your gift supports the JCC’s commitment to connect, engage and inspire our members, our families, our children, our seniors and our greater community.
As a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization, the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades relies on the support of the community to help bridge the gap between membership fees and the need to fulfill our critical social missions. Your contribution helps the JCC to further our mission of making our Center accessible to those individuals who are most in need.
Prefer to use Apple/Google Pay to make a donation? Click here!
For donations by check
Our mailing address is:
Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
Attn: Development
411 E Clinton Ave
Tenafly NJ 07670
For donations by donor-advised funds (DAFs):
If you have an account with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, BNY Mellon, access DAF Direct to make a gift conveniently from your account. Fill in the institution, the designation (how the funds are to be used) and the gift amount.
If you have a DAF through the Jewish Communal Fund, complete the grant request form.
For any other DAFs, our EIN is 22-1487220
To discuss other giving opportunities contact 201.408.1405 or