Use of Facilities

The Kaplen JCC on the Palisades is a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is entitled to feel that they belong, and where all members, program participants, volunteers and staff are treated with dignity and respect at all times.

To help maintain this environment, we expect that everyone using our facility, or participating in our programs is aware of and follows the important policies listed below.

The JCC reserves the right to remove from our facility and grounds any member, program participant or guest (without refund) for any reason including, but not limited to:

  • Damage or destruction of JCC property
  • Theft
  • Failure to follow proper safety precautions and practices
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Fighting
  • Failure to pay membership fees
  • Harassment of other participants, members or staff
  • Physical or verbal abuse, or use of profanity
  • Failure to follow policies set by the JCC

Smoke-Free Facility and Grounds

Smoking, vaping, the use of e-cigarettes, or chewing tobacco inside the building or outside on the grounds of the Kaplen JCC is strictly prohibited. The Kaplen JCC and its property are smoke-free environments.

Firearms and Weapons

Firearms or other weapons (or any replicas thereof) are prohibited in Kaplen JCC facilities, except those carried by on-duty JCC security officers or law enforcement personnel.

Service Animals

We welcome members, program participants, and guests with disabilities who are accompanied by a trained service animal, in accordance with the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Under the ADA, “a service animal has been individually trained to work or perform tasks for assisting a person with a disability.” Pets, comfort animals, emotional support or therapy animals do not qualify as service animals under the LAD and ADA.

Please ensure your service animal is marked as such or see the security officers or the front desk staff to receive a pass to the building.

Latex Balloons

For the safety of our members, guests and employees, we provide a latex-safe environment. This means our buildings are free of latex powder. For this reason, latex balloons are not allowed at Kaplen JCC on the Palisades. 

Latex balloons contain a powder that helps release them from molds when they are manufactured. This powder carries latex proteins, which can cause some people to have a severe allergic reaction. Latex balloons have an extremely high level of latex proteins, especially when compared to other products made with latex rubber.


Parking for members and guests is available at the Kaplen JCC during the hours and days our building is open. Parking overnight and on days our building is closed is prohibited. Please see our building hours schedule here, and see a desk attendant if you are experiencing vehicle issues.

Inclement Weather Closures

The Kaplen JCC makes every effort to remain open during inclement weather, and the safety of our members, program participants and dedicated staff is our highest priority. If it is deemed unsafe for the facility to be open, public notifications will be posted on the website, app and social media, and members will be notified by text.

Media Advisory

In celebrating the achievements of our members, program participants and visitors, the Kaplen JCC may take images/photographs and/or videos or other recordings of all who are present at our facilities. These images/photographs and/or videos or other recordings may appear in various Kaplen JCC publications, including, among other places, the Kaplen JCC website (, mailings, newsletters, programs, brochures, posters, institutional calendars, social media, or mass media outlets. 

You have a right to opt out of inclusion in images/photographs and videos or other recordings used for marketing, communications, and public relations purposes. If you do not to opt out, you are agreeing by your presence that your image or voice recorded at Kaplen JCC facilities may be used by the Kaplen JCC for the purposes stated above, without compensation to you.  

If you wish to opt out, you must affirmatively do so by completing and submitting an opt out form available from the Membership Office or a Welcome Desk.

Outside Trainers or Coaches

Outside trainers or coaches are not allowed to conduct training, practice sessions, or coaching with our members within our facility without prior authorization from management. All coaching and instruction should be conducted by our authorized JCC staff to ensure consistency and safety.

Virtual Training

We request that virtual training sessions conducted by outside trainers or coaches not take place on gym premises.


Out of respect for other members, videotaping of training sessions within the gym is not allowed. Any pre-approved videotaping must respect the privacy and comfort of all members.