Best Preschools in NJ

Understanding Preschool Choices in New Jersey

Scenic view of a New Jersey park emphasizing the importance of community and family in early childhood education

As we explore the options for Best Preschools in NJ, it's important to recognize the diverse landscape of early childhood education in our area. The choices parents make during these formative years can set the path for their child's future academic and social development. As a center deeply connected to community and family, Kaplen JCC on the Palisades values education that nurtures not only the mind but also the spirit and physical well-being of our youngest members.

There are several factors families consider when selecting a preschool, such as teaching philosophies, proximity, class size, and specialization. Preschools in New Jersey range from Montessori and Waldorf-inspired environments to religious and bilingual institutions, offering parents a rich variety of settings in which their children can grow and learn.

Philosophy-Driven Learning Environments

One of the first considerations for many families is the educational philosophy of a preschool. In New Jersey, options abound, with schools that adhere to Montessori methods, Reggio Emilia approaches, or religious teachings that align with families' beliefs and values. The importance of finding a school that resonates with a family's own educational philosophy can't be overstated.

At Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, we see every day how a child's experience in a nurturing environment like our Leonard and Syril Rubin Nursery School, based on Jewish values and traditions, can lay a strong foundation for lifelong learning and character development. The right preschool should inspire curiosity, foster emotional growth, and cultivate a sense of community.

Criteria for Selecting the Best Preschools in NJ

Parents often wonder what criteria they should use to select the right preschool for their children. Beyond philosophy, practical considerations such as location, hours, and class size play significant roles in determining the best fit for busy families. We counsel parents to visit schools, meet with educators, and observe classes to gain insight into the school's environment.

When considering the Best Preschools in NJ, one must also contemplate the staff's qualifications and the school's accreditation status. Schools with well-trained staff who hold degrees in early childhood education or related fields often provide high-quality, research-based programming. Accreditation from recognized bodies, such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), can also be a mark of a school's commitment to excellence.

It's equally important to consider the school's extracurricular offerings. Does the school provide enrichment activities such as music, art, or physical education? At Kaplen JCC, we understand that a child's development extends beyond the academic; it's about shaping the whole child. Our programs reflect this holistic approach, from the Thurnauer School of Music to our dance and drama schools.

Preschool Accessibility and Inclusivity

Accessibility and inclusivity are essential in choosing a preschool. It's vital that all children, regardless of physical ability or learning needs, have access to high-quality early education. Preschools that offer services like speech therapy, occupational therapy, or adaptive physical education within their curriculum are exemplary models of inclusivity.

Inclusivity also extends to how schools embrace and celebrate diversity. The Best Preschools in NJ should mirror the vast cultural tapestry of our community, offering programs that respect and reflect different heritages and languages. For example, bilingual schools can be a fantastic choice for families wanting to preserve their mother tongue while instilling the benefits of multilingualism in their children.

Parental Involvement and Community Connection

In our experience at Kaplen JCC, schools that encourage parental involvement tend to foster a deeper sense of community. When parents are invited to participate in classroom activities, to attend school events, and to contribute their skills and knowledge, a dynamic and supportive educational community is born.

Preschools should not exist in isolation from the communities they serve. The Best Preschools in NJ are those that build bridges with local organizations, cultural institutions, and other educational facilities. These connections enrich the preschool experience, exposing children to a panoply of experiences and viewpoints that bolster their growth and understanding of the world.

Professional educator creating a welcoming preschool learning environment

Safety and Security in Preschools

A paramount concern for all parents is the safety and security of their children. When researching the Best Preschools in NJ, assessing the security measures in place, such as secure entrances, visitor protocols, and safety drills, is crucial. Additionally, cleanliness and maintenance of the facility are indicators of a school's dedication to providing a secure and healthy environment.

An aspect often overlooked is the school's preparedness for emergencies. Do they have a clear plan in case of an unforeseen event? Are the staff trained in first aid and CPR? These questions are critical to ensuring peace of mind for parents entrusting their children to an educational institution.

Embracing Individuality: A Child-Centered Education

Every child is unique, and the Best Preschools in NJ recognize and celebrate this individuality. As an organization that values the uniqueness of each individual, we believe that a child-centered education is key. Preschools that offer differentiated learning, cater to various learning styles, and acknowledge each child's interests and strengths often see the best developmental outcomes.

Child-centered preschools foster a love of learning by allowing children to explore and discover at their own pace. They encourage self-expression and creativity, which can lead to improved self-esteem and a more profound joy for learning that children carry with them into their later school years.

Looking Ahead: The Journey from Preschool to Elementary

Finally, when exploring options for the Best Preschools in NJ, consider the school's approach to preparing children for the next step in their educational journey. The transition from preschool to elementary school is a significant one, and preschools that provide a robust foundation in both academic and social-emotional skills give their students an advantage.

Furthermore, schools that engage in articulation with local elementary schools to ensure a smooth transition are often poised to offer the best start to a child's formal education. By aligning curriculums and expectations, these preschools ease the shift, helping children approach new challenges with confidence and readiness.


In conclusion, identifying the Best Preschools in NJ is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of many aspects. At Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, in our efforts to support and guide families in this decision, we emphasize the importance of community, inclusivity, and holistic development in early education. We encourage families to approach this important choice with both their heads and their hearts, ensuring their little ones embark on an educational journey that is enriching, nurturing, and joyful.

As an integral part of the fabric of our community here in Tenafly, New Jersey, we are committed to providing resources, guidance, and programs that align with the highest standards of early childhood education. It is our hope that through partnership and dialogue, we can all contribute to shaping lively and capable young minds, ready to embrace the future with enthusiasm and skill.

Happy children learning and engaging in a supportive preschool setting

Understanding Preschool Philosophies

One might ask, "Kaplen JCC, how does the educational philosophy of a preschool impact a child's early learning experience?" The answer lies in the fact that each philosophy, be it Montessori, Reggio Emilia, or a faith-based one, shapes the learning environment and the approach to teaching. For example, our Leonard and Syril Rubin Nursery School is inspired by Jewish values, which guides our educational practices and infuses our curriculum with a unique cultural and moral framework that parents seeking this specific ethos find invaluable.

Honoring Diversity and Inclusion in Preschools

Parents often wonder, "What makes a preschool genuinely inclusive?" Inclusivity isn't just about accessibility; it's about creating a welcoming atmosphere that reflects the diversity of our community. At Kaplen JCC, we ensure that our programs and activities are sensitively designed to embrace every child, acknowledging a spectrum of backgrounds and abilities. This commitment extends from our classrooms to our extracurricular offerings, cultivating an environment where every family feels valued and understood.

The Importance of Community in Preschool

Another common question is, "Why is a strong community connection important for early childhood education?" The truth is, preschools are a microcosm of the larger society. At Kaplen JCC, we consider parental involvement and community partnerships as cornerstones of a fulfilling preschool experience. By engaging with local organizations and cultural events, we provide our children with a sense of belonging and a broader understanding that extends beyond our walls.

Assessing Safety and Security Measures

It's perfectly normal to be concerned about the safety and security of one's child, and parents often inquire, "How do the best preschools ensure the safety of their students?" The key is in comprehensive security protocols, from secure entrances to detailed emergency plans. We, at Kaplen JCC, prioritize the health and safety of our children, implementing strict security measures and regular staff training to maintain a safe, nurturing environment for everyone.

Preparing for Elementary School

As children approach the age for elementary school, parents understandably ask, "How does a preschool prepare children for this significant transition?" The best preschools in NJ, such as ours, focus on laying a solid foundation in both academic fundamentals and social-emotional skills. This preparation involves close collaboration with local elementary schools to ensure that our little ones can confidently step up to the next stage of their education journey.

Selecting the Right Preschool for Your Child

A crucial question we hear is, "How do I choose the right preschool for my child among the many options in New Jersey?" The approach we recommend is to consider not only the educational philosophy but also practical aspects such as location, class size, and extracurricular activities. It's essential to visit the schools, immerse yourself in the atmosphere, and align with a place that feels like an extension of your family's values and aspirations.


  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - Offers a searchable database of accredited early childhood programs, as well as resources for families choosing a preschool.
  • U.S. Department of Education - Provides information and resources related to early childhood education and how to select the right preschool.
  • Early Childhood Education Zone - Hosted by Rutgers University, this resource gives information on New Jersey's early education systems including preschools.
  • New Jersey Department of Education - Office of Early Learning - Provides resources about early childhood education programs and services in New Jersey.
  • Zero to Three - A national nonprofit organization providing resources about early development and well-being.
  • Child Care Aware of New Jersey - Offers resources for New Jersey parents including a child care finder and resources for choosing quality child care.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Early Childhood - Provides information about child development, educational practices for young children, and healthy child development.
  • Colorín Colorado - A bilingual site that provides resources for educators and families of English language learners, including information on bilingual early childhood education.
Best Preschools in NJ Best Preschools in NJ Best Preschools in NJ Best Preschools in NJ Best Preschools in NJ Best Preschools in NJ

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411 East Clinton Avenue
Tenafly, New Jersey 07670


(201) 569-7900



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A pair of adult hands and child hands holding a red heart.