On Demand
Welcome to J On-Demand!

Members have exclusive access to hundreds of options including livestream archives and brand new content. Choose from Zumba, Barre, Yoga & Meditation, Pilates, Cardio, Strength, Low Impact, Family Workouts and the newest – Express Workouts for a custom experience.
Log in with your JCCOTP App account to unlock unlimited classes. For assistance, please email fitness@jccotp.org. Our team is here to help walk you through the process.
*By participating in any virtual exercise class through the JCC, you are agreeing to the following disclaimer.
The content of the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades (JCC) videos is for entertainment only. JCC is not a medical organization and its instructors or staff cannot provide medical advice or diagnosis.
Physical exercise in all forms, even without equipment, is a strenuous physical activity. As such, you should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this fitness program or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for you. If you are predisposed to a medical condition that may be worsened by physical exercise, please do not start this fitness program. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.
If you think you are having a medical or health emergency, call your health care professional, or 911, immediately.
Download the JCCOTP App
Please head to the iPhone App Store or Google Play Store and download the “JCCOTP” app.