Our beautiful indoor aquatic facility awaits you for a plethora of aquatic activities.

Group Classes
Watertoning™ is making a splash at the JCC. It combines traditional swimming, yoga, running, and dance for a total body workout all in the pool.
Are you ready for a new fitness experience? Make the pool your gym! Combining traditional, swimming styles with new techniques. It draws from elements of yoga, running (without the harsh impact on your joints), and dance.
Water has a therapeutic effect on both body and mind. Working out in the water strengthens the body, relaxes the mind, and helps us breathe more mindfully and deliberately.
The method is suitable for all levels, and the only prerequisite is that you know how to swim in at least one swimming style.
Watertoning ™ was created by Tami Ben-Shahar, who has over 20 years of experience as an aerobics instructor, dancer and swimmer.
Aqua Aerobics (Beginner)
This low-impact class will get you moving safely and with a smile. Improve circulation,
regain range of motion and support strength development. Exercise classes in the pool
reduces stress on the joints and increases stamina and range of motion.
Free for members
Aquafit (All levels)
This fast-paced Aqua class will get your heart rate pumping as you alternate between fast
and slower paced movements utilizing the resistance of the water to improve strength,
endurance, and cardio efficiency.
Free for members
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