Our Shelley W. Levy Adult Day Program is designed for young adults 21+ with intellectual and developmental disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder.
We focus on developing the highest level of individual independence in our participants, particularly in the areas of communication, pro-social behaviors, personal self-care and activities of daily living. Our Day Program participants engage in a full range of activities across the entire JCC on a daily basis, including music therapy, swimming, fitness, cooking, yoga, community inclusion, technology and more.
Program Goals:
• Greater independence in activities of daily living and self help
• Appropriate social interactions
• Communication and self-expression
• Learning/practicing leisure skills
• Developing interpersonal conversational skills
The Guttenberg Center for Special Services at the JCC is a qualified agency through DDD. For more information contact, Ruthie Bashan, Director of the Guttenberg Center for Special Services, rbashan@jccotp.org, 201.408.1489

Shelley W. Levy Adult Day Program
Ages 21-45 9:15 am – 2:15 pm Monday-Friday 9/5/24 (Ongoing)
This DDD-qualified program provides life skills, activities of daily living, community inclusion, music therapy, swimming, fitness, cooking, yoga, technology, and more at the JCC and beyond. This program is for young adults, ages 21-35, with intellectual and developmental disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Participants must have age-appropriate communication and self-help skills to participate within a flexible staffing ratio. An extensive intake assessment process is required.
Summer Adult Day Habilitation Program
Ages 21-36 9:30am – 2:30pm Mid-June to Mid-August
An extension of our program year Adult Day Habilitation Program.
A.F.T.E.R. Program
Currently on Hold
This DDD-qualified program is designed to enhance functional life skills and increase independence in young adults with intellectual and developmental challenges and autism. This program offers social and daily life skills, as well as recreational activities and community inclusion.
Project NOTE
Project NOTE! (New Opportunities for Training and Earning) is a greeting card business that is “owned and operated” by the Adult Day Program at the Guttenberg Center for Special Services at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades. The project was initially funded through a grant from the JCC’s Teen Philanthropy Institute.
All Project NOTE! greeting cards are made by the participants of the Adult Day Program, a program for individuals with developmental disabilities. All proceeds from the sale of these greeting cards are used to sustain the program.
Our cards are sold in the Main Lobby of the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades around holidays, with additional cards available in Room 209 every weekday.
We have cards for every season and occasion. Come and visit, and leave with something special!
Project COOKIE
Project COOKIE is an exciting and impactful initiative led by participants from our Adult Day Program. With Project COOKIE, we’re bringing people together through baking while empowering our participants to develop practical skills, boost their confidence, and take pride in their work. Each cookie kit includes pre-measured, Kosher ingredients and a simple recipe, making it easy for anyone to bake at home. Enjoy delicious cookies while supporting a program that champions inclusivity and independence.
Add sweetness to your holiday while making a positive difference! Each kit is just $10–$12 and is assembled with care by our incredible team.
Please email projectcookie@jccotp.org
For more information, contact Simara Bruhim, Associate Director, Guttenberg Center for Special Services, sbruhim@jccotp.org, 201-408-1426.
Who benefits from our program?
Designed for young adults with intellectual and developmental challenges and autism.
Participants must have communication and self-help skills to independently participate within a 1:4 staffing ratio.
Where does the program take place?
Currently our program home rooms are 209 and the Teen Lounge. Both rooms are outfitted with a mini kitchen as well as a washer and dryer and other resources to support and develop independence in daily living skills.
Our home rooms also provide a recreational learning center where group activities take place such as creating art projects, assisting with valuable JCC projects, singing, music and more. We share an inter-generational gardening center with seniors and early childhood participants.
Yes. An extensive intake interview process is required for any prospective Day Program participant with the Department Director and Day Program Manager.
Space is extremely limited. A waitlist is maintained. Appropriate families are contacted as space becomes available.
The JCC will follow all federal, state and local safety protocols, guidelines, and health requirements. Schedules and program activities are subject to change based on this guidance.
For more information, contact:
Ruthie Bashan, Director of the Guttenberg Center for Special Services,
rbashan@jccotp.org, 201.408.1489
Contact Us
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Reach out to our team, we’d love to hear from you and provide you with the important information you are looking for.