
Connections to Israel

Forge a deep connection to Israeli life and culture.
Experience the richness of Israel with our Hebrew singing, vibrant Israeli dancing, and captivating Israeli films.

“It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts”–Harry S Truman 


Makhela-An Israeli Style Choir
With Zvi Klein, conductor and musical director 
Join the Israeli choir and sing some of your favorite Hebrew songs, old and new, with others. Participants must know how to read and sing in Hebrew. Reading musical notes NOT required. Every other week.
7 Wednesdays, 1/15, 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/12, 3/26, 4/2, 7:30 pm-10 pm, $130 Member/$150 Public 

Judaic Studies – (Virtual)
The Evelyn and Harold Meltzer Judaic Scholar-In-Residence Programs
Rabbi Reuven Kimelman, Scholar-in-Residence

Weekly Seminar on Jewish Studies (virtual)  
Topic: Power and morality in Exodus 
Wednesdays, beginning 1/8 ongoing through June, 10:30 am-11:30 am, $170 Member/$250 Public 

Pesach Seminar (Virtual) 
Rabbi Kimelman will lead our discussion on what is more important the three matzahs or the four cups of wine? 
Wednesday, 4/9, 8 pm-9 pm, Free and Open to the Community on Zoom 

Shavuot Seminar (Virtual) 
What happened at the revelation? 
Wednesday, 5/28, 8 pm-9 pm, Free and Open to the Community on Zoom