Judi Nahary

Judi Davidsohn Nahary currently serves as the Chief Program Officer of the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades. As a member of the JCC’s executive team, Judi provides strategic oversight of impactful, mission-focused programming serving a vibrant community of youth, active adults, individuals with special needs, and seniors. Judi’s efforts focus on creating a culture of inclusion based on our guiding Jewish values.
Judi joined the JCC in June 2000 as the Director of Youth Services, engaging children and youth from kindergarten through college with after school, summer, and educational programming. A key accomplishment during this period was the creation of a Teen Philanthropy Institute, many participants in which are now involved with the JCC as young parents. Judi then took on the leadership of the Senior Adult, Active Adult and Special Services Departments. During the pandemic, she played a pivotal role in the development of ways to reach these vulnerable populations remotely to keep them actively engaged with a sense of purpose.