Waltuch Gallery

The Waltuch Art Gallery infuses Jewish art and/or works by Jewish artists into our shared cultural experiences. The exhibits are designed to ignite imagination and encourage people to connect the visual arts with philosophical and spiritual concepts through a creative Jewish lens.

The Waltuch Gallery exhibits rotate monthly, and feature the work of painters, photographers, digital artists and other creative designers.

Exhibits are free and open to the community, and most work is typically for sale. A portion of the proceeds support programming efforts at the JCC. The JCC also hosts an artist talkback dessert reception for each show.

Outdoor gallery exhibits are displayed throughout the Kaplen JCC Campus and indoor gallery exhibits are on the second floor of the main JCC building.

What is Art?

Children at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades Leonard and Syril Rubin Early Childhood Center Explore Wonderment, Creativity & Inspiration through Art

How does art broaden a child’s knowledge? Early Childhood Educators at the JCC asked the question and this exhibit provides the answer in exciting, colorful ways that reveal how curious young minds know no bounds when expressing artistic individuality. The concept for this art gallery was inspired by Sheva, the JCCA Early Learning Framework. The core Jewish lenses spark opportunities for reflection, potential, amazement and the spirit of inquiry, all of which were embodied during these art provocations. Each class chose a style and medium to work in and then created artistic pieces that conveyed a shared class vision. Some were inspired by famous artists and imitated their style, creating artwork in the style of Pissarro, or working in thick paint like Van Gogh, while others discovered their own abstract styles like Jackson Pollack or even the collaging skills of Eric Carle. The possibilities were endless and so were the results.

Enjoy the show and be sure to read the stories that inspired each class!